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What type of eater are you?

What is your eating style? Are you a constant craver, restricted eater, emotional eater or an evening muncher?, Take my fun quiz to identify your eating habits and discover how to make positive changes to your relationship with food.
The quiz asks seven multiple-choice questions about your eating habits The results will place you into one of four categories and give you tips on what to do. If you feel like you’re in between the answers or can’t answer the questions you’re most likely a normal eater- you eat at usual times when you’re hungry and stop when full.
Quiz is designed to increase your eating awareness and help you make small changes to your eating habits for a healthier lifestyle.

I have regular meals along with snacks.
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I have meals at the same time every day.
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Mostly, I have my meals regularly.
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I frequently skip my meals.
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I enjoy snacking frequently throughout the day.
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I'm not really someone who snacks often.
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I tend to snack primarily when feeling stressed, sad, or anxious.
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I make an effort to avoid snacking because once I start, I find it difficult to stop.
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I still feel hungry and like to snack all night.
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I feel over-full and guilty.
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I feel good, knowing I've eaten enough.
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I crave something sweet.
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I take pleasure in food.
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I see food as my enemy; my weight increases no matter what I eat.
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Sometimes, I feel that food controls me.
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I try to eat healthily all day, but eventually, I crave carbs in the evening or at night.
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I choose to eat when I feel like it and I eat what I want.
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I choose to eat only foods that are healthy and that help me in weight loss or maintenance.
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I generally eat healthy foods, but may make exceptions when feeling stressed.
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I tend to choose whatever is most convenient or available when I feel hungry.
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I never get hungry enough to overeat.
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I rarely overeat, but when I do, I get angry at myself.
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I get frustrated because I know it will cause me to gain weight and then I eat even more.
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I overeat frequently but usually move on or cut back the next day.
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Your Result Type is Constant Craver

You tend to eat frequently throughout the day and may not even notice how much you're consuming. This can happen especially while doing other activities like checking emails or watching TV. You might not even remember the last time you felt truly hungry or full, and may not be aware of how much you eat in a day.
WHAT TO DO: To improve your eating habits, start by keeping track of what, when, and how much you eat for 24 hours. Then, create a specific schedule for your meals and snacks for the next 24 hours and make sure to eat only during those allocated times. When you eat, try to focus on your food and eat slowly without distractions. Make sure to include protein and low-GI carbs in your meals to help you feel full for longer. Afterward, reflect on your eating habits and make any necessary adjustments for the following day. Remember to be patient as you work on changing old habits, as it can take time.
WHAT TO DO: To improve your eating habits, start by keeping track of what, when, and how much you eat for 24 hours. Then, create a specific schedule for your meals and snacks for the next 24 hours and make sure to eat only during those allocated times. When you eat, try to focus on your food and eat slowly without distractions. Make sure to include protein and low-GI carbs in your meals to help you feel full for longer. Afterward, reflect on your eating habits and make any necessary adjustments for the following day. Remember to be patient as you work on changing old habits, as it can take time.
Your Result Type is Restricted Eater

You focus on the calories, carb, or fat content of food. You tend to eat what you think you 'should' eat, rather than what you truly desire. You often label foods as 'good' or 'bad' and feel guilty or ashamed when you indulge in 'bad' foods. Avoid restrictive eating and aim for a more balanced approach. Enjoy healthy foods you like when you're hungry and indulge occasionally.
WHAT TO DO: To break free from this mentality, you need to eliminate mental restrictions and adopt a more balanced approach to eating. Over-restriction, under-eating, or deprivation can lead to rebound eating, where you binge on unhealthy foods. Instead, focus on feeding your body with healthy foods that you enjoy, as well as occasional indulgences. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself permission to enjoy food without feeling guilty.
WHAT TO DO: To break free from this mentality, you need to eliminate mental restrictions and adopt a more balanced approach to eating. Over-restriction, under-eating, or deprivation can lead to rebound eating, where you binge on unhealthy foods. Instead, focus on feeding your body with healthy foods that you enjoy, as well as occasional indulgences. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself permission to enjoy food without feeling guilty.
Your Result Type is Emotional Eater

You try to maintain a healthy diet, but you have a tendency to use food as a source of comfort, pleasure, or distraction from various aspects of your life, similar to the character Bridget Jones. You tend to eat in response to emotions such as sadness, loneliness, stress, boredom, happiness, anxiety, tiredness, frustration, annoyance, and upset. However, you may end up feeling worse afterwards because you feel like you've lost control, which can further trigger emotional eating. This can lead to a vicious cycle where you become upset due to weight gain or the inability to lose weight, and then turn to food to feel better.
WHAT TO DO: Take a moment to recognize how you truly feel when you want to eat even though you're not hungry. Ask yourself if you're hungry or if you're feeling tired, bored, lonely, or any other emotion. Determine what you really need at that moment. However, if hunger isn't the reason you're eating, it can be difficult to know when to stop. Remember, it's important to be patient and kind to yourself as you work towards a healthier relationship with food.
WHAT TO DO: Take a moment to recognize how you truly feel when you want to eat even though you're not hungry. Ask yourself if you're hungry or if you're feeling tired, bored, lonely, or any other emotion. Determine what you really need at that moment. However, if hunger isn't the reason you're eating, it can be difficult to know when to stop. Remember, it's important to be patient and kind to yourself as you work towards a healthier relationship with food.
Your Result Type is Emotional Eater

You try to maintain a healthy diet, but you have a tendency to use food as a source of comfort, pleasure, or distraction from various aspects of your life, similar to the character Bridget Jones. You tend to eat in response to emotions such as sadness, loneliness, stress, boredom, happiness, anxiety, tiredness, frustration, annoyance, and upset. However, you may end up feeling worse afterwards because you feel like you've lost control, which can further trigger emotional eating. This can lead to a vicious cycle where you become upset due to weight gain or the inability to lose weight, and then turn to food to feel better.
WHAT TO DO: Take a moment to recognize how you truly feel when you want to eat even though you're not hungry. Ask yourself if you're hungry or if you're feeling tired, bored, lonely, or any other emotion. Determine what you really need at that moment. However, if hunger isn't the reason you're eating, it can be difficult to know when to stop. Remember, it's important to be patient and kind to yourself as you work towards a healthier relationship with food.
WHAT TO DO: Take a moment to recognize how you truly feel when you want to eat even though you're not hungry. Ask yourself if you're hungry or if you're feeling tired, bored, lonely, or any other emotion. Determine what you really need at that moment. However, if hunger isn't the reason you're eating, it can be difficult to know when to stop. Remember, it's important to be patient and kind to yourself as you work towards a healthier relationship with food.
Your Result Type is Evening Muncher or Night-time Binger

You often skip meals during the day, either because you're busy or trying to lose weight. As a result, you feel very hungry later in the day, especially after dinner. Even though you try to eat healthily, you find yourself craving carbohydrates. You might even think that you have a carbohydrate addiction, but that's not really the case. Your body simply needs fuel to carry out its daily functions.
WHAT TO DO: To address this pattern of skipping meals and craving carbs, it's important to prioritize eating during the day. Schedule time for meals in your calendar and make sure to avoid multi-tasking while eating. Slow down and enjoy your food mindfully. Remember that your body needs regular nourishment to function properly, so make sure to eat enough and avoid long periods of fasting. By doing so, you'll likely feel more energized throughout the day.
WHAT TO DO: To address this pattern of skipping meals and craving carbs, it's important to prioritize eating during the day. Schedule time for meals in your calendar and make sure to avoid multi-tasking while eating. Slow down and enjoy your food mindfully. Remember that your body needs regular nourishment to function properly, so make sure to eat enough and avoid long periods of fasting. By doing so, you'll likely feel more energized throughout the day.