Hi, I'm Anna
I know first-hand what it’s like to have a distorted relationship with food and live in a body you don’t accept. I was stuck in a restrict-binge cycle for about two decades.
It was in 2014 when I reached my breaking point and decided something had to change. I had to change. And so my healing journey began.
Now, I dedicate my life to guide others through their journey towards food freedom and body acceptance.
How it all started...
My problems with eating started when I was a teenager. Before puberty, I was quite slim and played volleyball. Once the puberty hit, my body started to change (dough!). I didn’t notice anything until one summer, when I wanted to put on trousers, I had worn the summer before. And they were too small. I remember this moment vividly, I stood there in front of a mirror and that’s when this thought, this belief, that would stay with me for many, many years was born: I am fat and I need to lose weight.
Since then, my weight would fluctuate throughout the years. It was exhausting. Never ending food restrictions, detoxes, diets, calorie counting, exercising and bingeing. I’d lose weight just to put even more back on and so the cycle repeated itself for over 15 years.

I felt like I’d never be able to eat normally and break free from this binge-diet cycle.
It completely took over my life, not leaving much space to actually enjoy it. It was either dieting or binging and every failed attempt to lose weight would make me blame myself for not being motivated enough or not having enough willpower.
It had a disastrous impact on my body, health, self-esteem, confidence and my relationship with food. I reached a breaking point when I developed bulimia. That’s when I knew, I needed to make a change.
I had to learn everything from scratch
➤ I had to shift my mindset around food and body image from negative and restrictive to neutral and open.
➤ I started to think of this change as a journey- because finding food freedom and peace meant unlearning years of learned dieting rules and negative self talk. Learning how to listen to and trust my body allowed me to reconnect with myself again.
➤ I had to transform my beliefs around my body image and separate my self- worth and confidence from my body. I had to realize that I was living in a lie and it was harming me and my body.
For many years I was hiding my struggles and felt alone. If YOU are going through something similar, I want you to know you are now alone and that there is a way out. I know that taking first step is scary and that there is a lot of fear and insecurity around it.
But those fears and insecurities are holding you back from living a meaningful and free life. I remember sitting in the kitchen one day and realizing that I didn’t want to live like this anymore and decided to make a change. And so my own, healing journey began.
My life became so much more than just a number on the scale or a reflection in the mirror.
I gained time and energy to enjoy life and spend time with my loved ones. The constant cravings and guilt disappeared, as well as the urge to eat everything in sight.
I could go to a restaurant and have HALF a portion because that was all I needed! I could enjoy a meal prepared for me without counting calories in my head and feeling anxious and then guilty.
I started cooking what my body needed instead of following a restrictive meal plan. I shifted from negativity towards my body to neutrality, and then to positivity.
I gained freedom. Freedom to eat what my body needs. Freedom to exercise and move my body in a way that I actually enjoy. I can finally live a normal life like I always wanted. It took me almost 20 years to get to that point and I am never going back. I am here to teach you how to do the same because life is so much more than counting calories.

That's why I became a psychologist.
I’ve been there, I get it.
I know how hard it is to be stuck in the dieting cycle and that it can feel impossible to get out. But I also know that there is a way out. I can finally live a normal life like I always wanted. It took me about 15 years (!) to get to that point and I am never going back. Now, using everything I learned at Universities, combined with my personal experience, I help women heal their relationships with food & their bodies and to finally just live and enjoy life.